Loopline Systems Software Feedback Mitarbeiter Gespräche

Powerful teams

loopline systems icon beratung schulung training

What is the goal of the training?

In this training, participants learn to independently develop feedback seminars and to successfully moderate them. In addition to being able to prepare their own feedback training sessions and presentations, participants will also learn how to manage groups with a view to achieving optimal learning success.

Methodology and process

  • Short presentations/inputs
  • Handouts
  • Exercises with qualified feedback
  • Self-reflection, individual work

Number of participants

10 participants per training are ideal.

loopline systems icon beratung schulung ort


We can conduct our trainings anywhere. The only requirement is that a suitable seminar infrastructure is available. 


loopline systems icon beratung schulung beratung


Our trainers are certified and have the methodological tools for designing trainings and workshops. Several years of experience in the successful facilitation of team and group processes is a basic requirement for all our trainers. We evaluate all trainings with participant feedback.



  • Trainer with many years of experience
  • Always up to date and practical
  • Content tailored to your needs


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