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Loopline Systems

Your software solution for employee feedback & OKRs

Unleash your employees’ full potential with really good feedback and flexible OKR management. Motivate your team and advance your organisation with continuous,  constructive feedback. It’s our mission to increase your business’s speed by revolutionizing how trams collaborate. Why?
Because your organisation’s success is driven by your employees! :)

More about us




Performance Management
360° Feedback
Project- & Team-Feedback
Pulse Checks 

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loopline systems loopnow engagement agiles mitarbeiter feedback v2


Objectives and Key Results
Company Goals

Learning- and Development Goals

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loopline systems loopnow objectives key results v3


Flexible types of feedback for companies

With our holistic feedback software LoopNow, organisations and teams improve their internal collaboration and increase employee engagement. Create an open platform for conversations with new forms of feedback that benefit everyone’s growth - from managers to employees.

Loopline Systems Loopnow OKR Performance Management
Loopline Systems Software Mitarbeiter Feedback 360 Grad


Successful employee development

True improvements by changing perspectives: The 360 degree feedback method allows for new insights by combining self-, peer- and manager assessments. It unlocks unprecedented development potential for everyone involved - be it leaders, colleagues, customers or external partners.

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Loopline Systems Software Mitarbeiterfeedback 360grad Perspektivwechsel


Employees' feedback is worth it

Retain top talent

Increased employee engagement directly affects employee satisfaction, reduces turnover and attracts new talent.

Increase productivity

Motivated employees are absent less, resulting in direct increases in productivity and ROI.

Maximize innovation potential

Support your organisation’s talents and unleash the full potential of all your employees. Open questions create a living culture of innovation

Agile development

Give every employee a voice and the opportunity to drive their own development.

Get in touch!

Whether you are unsure which kind of feedback will benefit you most or if Loopline is even the right partner for you - get in touch with us. We will take a look at your status quo and - this is a promise - provide you with advise truly tailored to your needs.

Book a Webdemo


The shortcut to increasing productivity

With our OKR platform for teams, goals can be optimally managed and adjusted across all company levels. With OKRs you don’t only increase productivity but also optimize collaboration and make progress transparent within a team and across the organisation.

Learn more

Loopline Systems Software Mitarbeiter Feedback OKR Management

Feedback News

Always up to date

Feedback Heroes

The unfair advantage of good feedback

Success stories that make us proud, show how we aspire to work and might convince you to do feedback the right way.


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Test drive it for 14 days. No strings attached, no credit card needed.

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Märkisches Ufer 28
10179 Berlin

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