loopline systems feedbackhelden

Our feedback heroes

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Why Feedback is Important
for Top Managers 

Positive and honest feedback on employees and leaders represent the foundation for companies to grow. Our client's top managers agree. :)


Dr. Fokko Jelto Eller

Dr. Fokko Jelto Eller, Head of HR, AFC Claims GmbH 

Feedback is important to me because...

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loopline systems stefan gross bcg digital

Stefan Groß-Selbeck

Global Managing Partner, BCG Digital Ventures

Honest, constructive feedback creates trust because it expresses appreciation.

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loopline systems kienbaum

Fabian Kienbaum

CEO, Kienbaum Consultants International

Constructive criticism in the form of appreciative feedback is essential for successful...

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loopline systems feedbackhelden escp europe

Prof. Dr. Marion Festing

Chair of Human Resource Management and Intercultural Leadership, ESCP Europe

Without feedback, there is no learning...

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loopline systems feedbackhelden lea cramer amorelie

Lea-Sophie Cramer

CEO, Amorelie

Feedback is essential because change processes can only work if you take employees along...

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loopline systems feedbackhelden allfoye

Dr. Thomas Fischer

CEO, ALLFOYE Managementberatung GmbH

Especially in change processes, I can give direction and convey stability through...

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loopline systems feedbackhelden viessmann group

Maximilian Viessmann

CEO, Viessmann Group VC/O GmbH

Honest and constructive feedback is the most valuable thing a team...

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loopline systems feedbackhelden claudia frese my hammer ag

Claudia Frese

CEO, MyHammer AG

Fast, direct, honest feedback is the oil in the gear of an agile...

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loopline systems feedbackhelden thomas schildhauer alexsander humboldt institut

Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Schildhauer

Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet und Society

Feedback in transformation processes is the oil with...

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loopline systems feedbackhelden constanze buchheim ipotentials

Constanze Buchheim

CEO, I-Potentials

For me, feedback is the most important thing in every change process. 

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loopline systems feedbackhelden allfoye

Michael Sinss

Senior Advisor, Allfoye Managementberatung GmbH

Timely given feedback gives people a personal chance, brings joy and...

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loopline systems feedbackhelden kienbaum

Stephan Grabmeier

Chief Innovation Officer, Kienbaum Consultants International

A change process without feedback will not succeed.

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loopline systems feedbackhelden sophie chung qunomedical

Dr. Sophie Chung

CEO & Founder, Qunomedical GmbH

Feedback is important in both directions.

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loopline systems feedbackhelden lea florian bruhns kws group

Florian Bruhns

Lead of Expert Hub Employer Branding & Talent Attraction, KWS Group

With feedback you have a...

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loopline-systems feedbackhelden arkadi jampolski wunderflats

Arkadi Jampolski

CEO, Wunderflats

Feedback helps to learn what the recipients of the work really like.

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loopline systems feedbackhelden paul schwarzenholz zenloop

Paul Schwarzenholz

Co-Founder & Managing Director, zenloop GmbH

You can only improve with continuous feedback.

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loopline systems feedbackhelden paul heine

Peter Heine

Managing Director, Marley Deutschland GmbH

Feedback is a very important element of personal development.

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Tatiana Ohm

Vice President Business Transformation

When you work for a company, you do not want to work...

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loopline systems feedbackhelden frederik nyga quadriga

Frederik Nyga

Commercial Director, Quadriga Media Berlin GmbH

Positive feedback that is unfounded will not help anyone.

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loopline systems feedbackhelden miriam wohlfarth ratepay

Miriam Wohlfarth

Founder & Managing Director, RatePAY

With honest feedback, you can learn a lot.

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