Stefan Groß-Selbeck
„Honest, constructive feedback creates trust."
Stefan Groß-Selbeck
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„A change process without feedback will not succeed."
Stephan Grabmeier
Chief Innovation Officer, Kienbaum Consultants International
We talked to decision makers and role models about feedback. The short interviews are published here. Employee feedback is more than just an HR topic!
Why is feedback important?
Feedback is the beginning of every individual reflection and thus the basis for personal development. Every development has an impact on the system or organization you are in. Receiving feedback from third parties is one of the most important assets in human-centered organizations. This allows everyone to evaluate their impact on a company's common goals, idea or personal performance (e.g., sports, music, art).
What was your worst feedback?
The worst feedbacks are "cowardly" feedbacks. When people talk about you behind your back instead of talking to you. Giving good feedback is a challenging skill that needs to be learned and it is of very high cultural value to the organization. Only a good feedback culture creates an authentic basis of trust. So far, I have only met a few organizations with a strong feedback-oriented culture.
How important is feedback in change processes?
A change process without feedback will not succeed. In change, we have to change things, question existing things, learn new routines, apply unknown methods or implement other behavior. All of this only becomes effective when we reflect on ourselves what we can and cannot do well. This requires feedback from colleagues, coaches, executives and customers. Only in the comparison between self-image and external image it becomes clear what each one can change and thus contribute to the change process.
Nora Heer, CEO & Founder, Loopline Systems
Stephan Grabmeier, Chief Innovation Officer, Kienbaum Consultants International