Change management
ongoing monitoring throughout change processes
Establish transparency
Change creates uncertainty. Open and transparent communication throughout the various phases of change processes prevent misunderstandings and lay the foundation for a successful transformation.
Address resistance
With LoopNow, you can use frequent surveys to find out whether and where important information is being received and at which points in the company there is a need for follow-up communication.
An example question might be: Do you feel sufficiently informed about the company's strategies and goals?

Manage change successfully
Change processes need resources above and beyond the day-to-day business. To avoid individual overload and react at an early stage, it makes sense implementing questions on work-life balance or stress management. You can test LoopNow for free for a 14-day trial period - take a first step towards optimizing internal collaboration and employee satisfaction.

Change management measures
LoopNow provides project teams with an early warning system such as a frequent "track measurement". This ensures progress transparency through continuous before-and-after analyses.
Surveys are set up with only a few clicks and activated automatically. Short survey intervals and live evaluations allow timely reactions and the derivation of measures.
Advantages of LoopNow

Anonymous and mobile optimized
Transparent and anonymous surveys answered on the go.

Real time analysis, fully automated
LoopNow offers flexible reports, automated sending of reminders as well as exports.

Multi-language support
We support content in over 30 languages. Configured with only a couple of clicks.

Fully GDPR compliant
Needless to say: LoopNow fully satisfies the strict EU norms for data security.

We support your transformation
Best practice questionnaires are ready to be use and adapted to your company needs. Upon request, our experts from the Loopline Academy will assist you with both the setup and the evaluation of the results.
If you think you need a highly specialized solution we are happy for you to get in touch with us. We are here to support you in developing a sustainable, company-wide feedback culture.

Unleash the full potential of all employees and drive your business forward.