Loopline Systems Software Feedback Mitarbeiter Gespräche

Giving and receiving direct feedback 


Praise and hints

Every user can send praise or hints outside of surveys through LoopNow. To do so, they can access the "Direct Feedback" function on their own profile and select the recipient.

We highly recommend introducing this feature to all employees in the company to promote a culture of feedback. Receiving written praise or feedback can be a meaningful gesture of appreciation for many individuals. Encourage your colleagues to give each other feedback more frequently, and if necessary, they can read helpful tips on giving effective feedback on the input screen in LoopNow.


Create & send direct feedback


direct EN

  • Go to your own profile through the main menu.

  • Click on the "Feedback" button next to your profile picture or initials.

  • Select "Direct Feedback".

  • Enter the recipient's name for your direct feedback.

  • Choose the feedback type - whether it is praise or hint.

  • Enter your feedback. If you need guidance on how to phrase or structure it, click on "Show tips".

  • Click on the "Send" button to submit your feedback.


Note: This feedback cannot be edited.



Overview of direct feedbacks received & given


  • Navigate to your own profile via the main menu.

  • Select the "DIRECT FEEDBACK" tab.

  • Select between received and given direct feedbacks and filter between praise and hint if necessary.



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